The type of people we help – Medical Patient Transport Service

Sir Roden & Lady Cutler Foundation drive the seriously or terminally ill, elderly or infirm, all over Sydney, but mainly around the southern/eastern area. We take them, free of charge, to hospitals, medicals clinics, specialist appointments, physiotherapy or any health related appointment when referred by a doctor or social worker, and occasionally to social groups when they are socially isolated.

Those who call on our service are either too ill or frail to travel on public transport or require support while undergoing their special treatment. Many, especially the elderly, do not have family support to assist them during these times.

What’s Involved

In most situations you would pick up the passenger from their home, most wait outside for their lift, and you would then drop them off outside the doctors or hospital, most people would then make their own way to the rooms or department.

In a small number of cases you would be required to assist an elderly person with a walking frame and on a rare occasion lift a wheelchair into the vehicle. If you are taking a passenger home after their appointment, again, they would wait outside for you to collect them.

Costs and reimbursements

You would have the option of using your own vehicle or one of the Charity’s vehicles. We have several including one RAV4 and a Tarago. If you choose to use your own vehicle we would reimburse you your petrol costs, a receipt must be provided. All tolls are also reimbursed, but we ask you, if possible, to provide a receipt for auditing purposes.

The Charity gladly gives “out-of-pocket” expenses. This may include buying yourself a cup of coffee or lunch while you wait for a passenger. This is given in cases where you may be “working” for 2-3 hours. The maximum amount we reimburse is $20.00 per “shift”.