
Christmas Celebration 2024

On December 18th, Lady Cutler, Benefactor Basil Sellers, Staff, our amazing Volunteers and representatives from Major Sponsor Harvey Norman, Alicia Cairns and Kailee Dickson, gathered to celebrate the Foundation’s Annual Volunteer Christmas luncheon at EBP RSL. The event was a meaningful occasion for the Foundation, providing an opportunity to recognise the dedicated service of our volunteers and the incredible work that they did throughout 2024.  A big THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!

Volunteer Christmas Celebration 2023

Lady Cutler, The Foundation’s Staff, Volunteers, and key supporters came together to celebrate Christmas at EBP RSL.
It was also a great opportunity to recognise our Volunteers and their years of service, and we are truly grateful for your dedication and hard work. Without you the Foundation would truly not be possible. Thank you.

2022 Annual Golf Day a huge success

The Foundations 2022 Annual Harvey Norman Invitational Golf Day was once again a huge success. A record 160 people attended enjoying a great day of Golf as well as a fantastic Lunch where Golf and raffle prizes were given out as well as the Auctioning of some great items. It all culminated with over $40,000 raised towards the continuing provision of the Foundations unique and invaluable FREE Medical Transport service to those in our community who need it the most.

We look forward to another sell-out next year!

Volunteer Luncheon 2022

Lady Cutler ,The Foundation’s Staff, Fantastic Volunteers and key supporters all celebrated Christmas and the New Year together with a fabulous luncheon at the Canada Bay Club, Five Dock.

Close to 70 people attended in what was a great opportunity for everyone to get together and talk about the work of the Foundation and how important its FREE Patient Transport service is to so many people less fortunate than ourselves. It was great to see the strong comrade of all the Volunteers and the strong affection & regard they have towards ensuring that Sir Roden Cutler’s legacy continues.

The presence of Lady Cutler was a highlight taking time to talk to all the Volunteers and to thank them for their unselfish and generous work throughout what has been a difficult few years with the Covid Pandemic causing many disruptions and uncertainty.

Golf Day 2021

The 2021 Sir Roden & Lady Cutler Harvey Norman Invitational Annual Golf Day was yet again a fantastic success with over $30,000 net raised towards the Foundations unique and FREE Community Medical Transport service.

A record 140 people attended the event and luncheon at the prestigious Concord Golf course including the Foundations Chairman George Pereira and Principal Advisor Lady Cutler.

The Event proudly sponsored by Harvey Norman attracted a number of Golf Day sponsors and is now fully entrenched as one of the most sought-after Charity Golf Days in Sydney.

And we have good news, next years date has been locked in! Due to the popularity of the event please pre-register your Interest to enter a team or become a sponsor at next years event to be held once again at Concord Golf Course on the 26th May 2022. Email

The full photo gallery from the day can be viewed here  

Annual Volunteer Christmas Function 2019

The Foundation held its Annual Volunteer Christmas Luncheon at the Canada Bay Club on the 19th December with over 40 Volunteers attending as well as Foundation Committee members and staff, MP for Drummoyne Mr John Sidoti, Major Sponsor Harvey Norman representatives Alison Henderson and Kaylah Hyslop along with special guests the Israel family whose son Isaac is a quadriplegic and recently received from the Foundation a donated converted Wheelchair Vehicle.

It was a special day for the Foundation who were able to acknowledge and celebrate the great and unselfish work of all our wonderful Volunteers throughout 2019

Collection Day

On Friday the 1st November 2019 Sydney Boys High School Year 11 Students once again participated in the Foundations annual Collection Day.

The boys collected close to $8,000 for the Foundation with all proceeds going towards the Insurance costs of the Foundations “ Patient Transport “ Nine (9) car fleet.

On behalf of Lady Cutler and the Committee of the Foundation I would like to thank all the boys who took part and did their best in raising some much needed Funds.

If you would like to be part of this Annual Fundraising event and would like to help the Foundation and donate please visit

The re-opening of Roden Cutler House the home of Ausgrid.

“The Foundation was proud to be part of the re-opening of Roden Cutler House in the Sydney CBD on the 15th August 2019. Lady Cutler unveiled the new plague in the buildings new foyer commemorating the legacy and history of Sir Roden Cutler VC.

Amongst the many dignitaries was Sir Roden’s son Anthony and grandsons Andrew and Jack.

Golf Day